We are the group of IT entrepreneurs, wishing to bring something good for this green planet and leave the set of products and services, aiming at mitigation of climate change, increasing air quality and ecology, and decarbonization.There is no Planet B, and shrouds have no pockets. Having lived the half or so of our lives, we wish to make something good for our children and humanity.
We are the team of green hearts, wishing to leave some green footprint in history. The background of our team members, advisors and ambassadors covers the following areas:
- Sustainability and ESG - Green energy - Green finance - Blockchain and crypto - Fundraising - IT - Payment systems and processing
what we do
We are building transparent green fintech platform, aiming to make individuals and businesses donators to the nature and environment. They are becoming co investors of green projects, taking active role in governance and overview of funds distribution and seeing real tangible, publicly auditable result.
Our platform consists of 2 parts
1. green tips
Nature is your best waiter, so why not to pay it some tips? this system consists of: • merchant dashboard • customer dashboard • set of APIs and payment methods, which can be integrated to any other 3d party software, like restaurant management system, CMS, ERP, etc.
Software provides opportunity to measure carbon footprint of any goods and services and estimate the amount of possible donation to offset this footprint online — so called “green tips”. As compared with traditional untransparent carbon credits market, controlled by carbon credit brokers as intermediaries, we grant over 90 percent to the green project, charging just some moderate fees for our processing, integration and organizational job done. Customers are donating to local carbon offsetting projects (for example, mangroves in the UAE), thus investing money in local economy, not abroad. So, we make businesses and individuals co- investros of local green projects. We are to launch the same projects in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia.
By making carbon offsetting, customers keep track record of all their purchases and the amount of CO2 offsetted. Upon this data, responsible businesses can build loyalty and initiative programs, providing some discounts or free goods and services for customers having certain amount of green loyalty points. So, we are building both green payment system and green loyalty program.
Green Tips short self explanatory video:
how green tips platform from Malisa soft works: customer journey overview
how green tips plarform from Malisa soft works from the point of view of the green merchant — overview of the merchant dashboard:
2. blockchain system
Blockchain is the reliable decentralized database, providing reliable, observable and transparent information with almost zero risks of changing it by 3d parties. We set up accounts both for businesses, individuals and green projects on the top of blockchain, making procedure of green tips transparent. Loyalty points, associated with carbon offsetting will be tokenized, as well as carbon credits and offsets. Smart contracts will be responsible for automatic retirement of carbon offsets. Blockchain is solving problem of double spending. Moreover, blockchain opens doors to crypto capitals inflows. We are sure, that next big bull run cycle will be associated with blockchain and carbon credits. so, we have both platform for tokenizing carbon credits and offsets, as well as trading engine.
Why we do it
Some of us are proud to be UAE summer survivor. It was really tough! I did realize on my own experience, what does it mean to be in the tail of the normal distribution: on general, an average temperature in hospital is 36.6C, meaning some people 34 and are already dead, and 40, almost dead. Same thing relates to the planet: big green agenda, promoted by the globalists’ organizations is promoting the idea, that carbon offsetting can be done anywhere in the world, regardless of the exact location of the offsetter: on average, CO2 inflow to the atmosphere will be diminished, but remember the case of the hospital! So, why should Middle East and countries like UAE purchase carbon credits somewhere in Africa or Amazon forests? They do better for the foreign economy, and worse for their own! Carbon credits markets discredited themselves due to such issues, as green washing, lack of transparency, huge commissions of carbon credit brokers. We wish to disrupt this market and make carbon credits great again and really useful in mitigating climate change!
Who we are
We are the group of IT entrepreneurs, wishing to bring something good for this green planet and leave the set of products and services, aiming at mitigation of climate change, increasing air quality and ecology, and decarbonization.There is no Planet B, and shrouds have no pockets. Having lived the half or so of our lives, we wish to make something good for our children and humanity.
We are the team of green hearts, wishing to leave some green footprint in history. The background of our team members, advisors and ambassadors covers the following areas:
- Sustainability and ESG - Green energy - Green finance - Blockchain and crypto - Fundraising - IT - Payment systems and processing
what we do
We are building transparent green fintech platform, aiming to make individuals and businesses donators to the nature and environment. They are becoming co investors of green projects, taking active role in governance and overview of funds distribution and seeing real tangible, publicly auditable result.
Our platform consists of 2 parts
1. green tips
Nature is your best waiter, so why not to pay it some tips? this system consists of: • merchant dashboard • customer dashboard • set of APIs and payment methods, which can be integrated to any other 3d party software, like restaurant management system, CMS, ERP, etc.
Software provides opportunity to measure carbon footprint of any goods and services and estimate the amount of possible donation to offset this footprint online — so called “green tips”. As compared with traditional untransparent carbon credits market, controlled by carbon credit brokers as intermediaries, we grant over 90 percent to the green project, charging just some moderate fees for our processing, integration and organizational job done. Customers are donating to local carbon offsetting projects (for example, mangroves in the UAE), thus investing money in local economy, not abroad. So, we make businesses and individuals co- investros of local green projects. We are to launch the same projects in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia.
By making carbon offsetting, customers keep track record of all their purchases and the amount of CO2 offsetted. Upon this data, responsible businesses can build loyalty and initiative programs, providing some discounts or free goods and services for customers having certain amount of green loyalty points. So, we are building both green payment system and green loyalty program.
Green Tips short self explanatory video:
how green tips platform from Malisa soft works: customer journey overview
how green tips plarform from Malisa soft works from the point of view of the green merchant — overview of the merchant dashboard:
2. blockchain system
Blockchain is the reliable decentralized database, providing reliable, observable and transparent information with almost zero risks of changing it by 3d parties. We set up accounts both for businesses, individuals and green projects on the top of blockchain, making procedure of green tips transparent. Loyalty points, associated with carbon offsetting will be tokenized, as well as carbon credits and offsets. Smart contracts will be responsible for automatic retirement of carbon offsets. Blockchain is solving problem of double spending. Moreover, blockchain opens doors to crypto capitals inflows. We are sure, that next big bull run cycle will be associated with blockchain and carbon credits. so, we have both platform for tokenizing carbon credits and offsets, as well as trading engine.
Why we do it
Some of us are proud to be UAE summer survivor. It was really tough! I did realize on my own experience, what does it mean to be in the tail of the normal distribution: on general, an average temperature in hospital is 36.6C, meaning some people 34 and are already dead, and 40, almost dead. Same thing relates to the planet: big green agenda, promoted by the globalists’ organizations is promoting the idea, that carbon offsetting can be done anywhere in the world, regardless of the exact location of the offsetter: on average, CO2 inflow to the atmosphere will be diminished, but remember the case of the hospital! So, why should Middle East and countries like UAE purchase carbon credits somewhere in Africa or Amazon forests? They do better for the foreign economy, and worse for their own! Carbon credits markets discredited themselves due to such issues, as green washing, lack of transparency, huge commissions of carbon credit brokers. We wish to disrupt this market and make carbon credits great again and really useful in mitigating climate change!